Jonathan J. Snyder

August '24 Newsletter!


When I sat down to finally start putting together what I wanted to put in this newsletter, I looked at the date and saw that it was already August! How the heck did we get through 2024 so fast? It felt like only yesterday that I was laying out the plan of what I wanted to do this year and it’s almost over?

Well, that means I must speed up on a few things to make sure I get somewhere close to my planned release schedule. (That did not survive May).

Not very much new to report in this newsletter except that I appreciate everyone who still takes the time to read my work and see what is going on! July Smashwords sale was nice, a lot of new people downloaded books so hopefully they will stay around for more!

Now on to the report!


Stories Here & There

Horror Stories

Beloved Universe

Seraphim & Succubus


Coming Soon!

Nothing for now but I will let you know when we have something!