Jonathan J. Snyder

June '24 Newsletter!

Wow. It has taken this long to get a newsletter out? Yeah. The system I was using kinda exploded so I had to rebuild the whole newsletter thing on my own. Now that I'm back online I can keep all of you who signed up up to date with the newest releases and plans! Here is everything that you may have missed since the newsletter crashed!

Beloved Maid: Alone in the Wilds RELEASED

Though this was released a few months ago, I never really got the announcement out due to the whole fiasco I mentioned in the opening of this newsletter. It's been a heck of a few months. but for those who have enjoyed the Beloved Universe, you can now get the newest novella!

Princess Aevina Vaesh and Larry Turner find themselves stuck on the planet Felicity III, entangled in a perilous web of intrigue. As they navigate the treacherous clutches of the Ascendancy, a ruthless human supremacy group, holding slaves captive. Aevina and Larry must devise a plan yet their every move is shadowed by the sinister Lord Baneth of House Tavik who is determined to claim Aevina as his own. Will the unlikely duo find a way to save everyone while keeping Baneth from finding them?

Where to get it!



Stories Here & There

Horror Stories

Beloved Universe

The Ballad of Pemberton Mall

Coming Soon!

There are still a lot of stories that I'm working on but things have slowed down. I have a new college fantasy light novel series that I'm working on plus more horror novellas with my favorite trucker / hunter Frank Jones! 


So stay tuned!