I believe it was around this time that I had sat down while on a cruise ship and decided that I was going to take my indie author career seriously. For the year, it has been a wild ride trying to find a balance in getting projects done while not burning myself out. I'm actually happy with this year and what I have been able to get out. I bunch of horror stories, anthology, a bunch of webcomics and a few scifi stories. It's been a good year!
My goal now is to sit down, plan out this next year and get things started! Thanks so much for all your support!
~Jonathan S.
It feels like it was only last month when I announced that issue 8 had been released. Now we're on issue 9! The Beloved Maid story is rapidly coming to an end with only three more issues remaining! This one is going to be interesting as we are getting towards the darkest moment! (Warning: Nudity & Language)
After a year's hiatus, the artist for Beloved Chains is working to finish the last issue before our new artist takes over for issue 5! The script is already written and ready to go so there will be more Maevin and Henry to come! (Warning: Nudity & Language)
New chapters of the web novel "My Undead Maid" have been released after a year hiatus! Here are the chapters for easy surfing! All available for free on Honeyfeed.fm!
I am working on some new tropey stuff. I have come to love the hackey, trope laden stories of the old writers and I have found a thriving group online. Because of the works being much different than the usual fare that I write, I plan to create a pseudonym so people do not get surprised with the new stories. It's' a lot nicer that way in my opinion. Seraphim & Succubus #1 is in the editing stage and we got two of the illustrations done! I'm hoping to release this one after Christmas!
See you next issue!